The family stories of our members weave together to form the fabric of our cultural history as Trentino Americans and Tyrolean Americans. They are an important testimony to our particular immigrant story and to those who came before us. Presented here are some of the family histories that members have provided. They give insights into why people came, where they lived, what occupations they held, how they have thrived, and what values they hold. We hope that this collection can serve as a living history of our heritage and our ancestors.
Joan Johnson Barker
Zadra Family History
Tom and Tina Fellin
How We Discovered and Became Members of the Seattle Trentino Club (It’s a great story!)
Jan Agosti and Tom Agosti
Agosti Family History – Brief
Tam Agosti-Gisler
Agosti Family History – Centennial Anniversary
Dan Zadra
Celebrating the Trentini Miners of the Silver Valley
Dorothy “Dot” (Miori) Whitney
An Extraordinary Volunteer
Angela Branz-Spall and Santina Branz
Language and Culture: Two Families’ Stories
Pina Facinelli Fellin
Pina’s Story
David Asson and Gary Asson
Rosa Gabardi Family History
The Boldrini Family
Gold: Silvio and Clemente Boldrini In the Klondike & Nome Gold Rushes, 1898-1899
Linda Dodds
Our Family Story
Fernanda Say
Great Food and Sharp Knives